Shri K. Shankar IPS, Joint Commissioner of Police, West Zone, Greater Chennai, took the salute and declared the Sports Meet open.
To add to the festivities of the day, Padma Bushan Shri Kapil Dev, inaugurated the Open-air auditorium and the Robotics lab of the school at 12.30pm in the school premises. At 2.00pm, he also presided over the afternoon session of the Sports Meet at Nehru Stadium and gave away the prizes.
The Sports Meet included a display of the martial arts to a Latin pop and rock dance. The wide array included wrestling, silambam, taichi, hoopla, yoga, pyramid and aerobics by students at the Secondary level. The students of the Primary welcomed the chief guest with an umbrella dance. The highlight of the programme was the Kiddies March past with Preschoolers dressed as cheerleaders, Kindergarteners as Men in Uniform and the tots of Std. I and II dressed to create awareness on national and global concerns.